Säilytä ja jaa ostoskorisi

5.0 Rating

Anna asiakkaidesi jakaa ostoskorinsa sisällön perheensä ja ystäviensä kanssa monilla sosiaalisen median kanavilla.

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Establish social proof and grow your brand across channels

Grow your brand when customers share cart contents via email, link, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Telegram, Weibo, or Reddit.

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Seamless customization for a branded experience

Compatible with all themes and fully customizable.

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One-click, no code installation

Put the ‘share cart’ feature in your store with one-click installation and start displaying social share buttons on the cart page in minutes.

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Main Features

Anna asiakkaiden jakaa ostoskoreja useiden kanavien välillä

Täysin mukautettavissa

Yhden klikauksen, vaivaton asennus




30-day free trial

Customizable icons

Unlimited clicks

Shared links without expiration

No hidden fees

Exceptional support

* All charges are billed in USD.** Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.

Säilytä ja jaa ostoskorisi

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