Personalize & manage additional data with unique custom fields

Hulk Metafields Mukautettu Kenttä Mestari
Hulk Metafields Mukautettu Kenttä Mestari
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4.4 / 5 (86 reviews)

Mukauta tietoja tuen avulla mukautettujen kenttien ja metafieldsien luomiseen, mahdollistamalla henkilökohtaisen tiedon.

Mukauta tietoja tuen avulla mukautettujen kenttien ja metafieldsien luomiseen, mahdollistamalla henkilökohtaisen tiedon.

Manage Metadata with Global Scaling Feature

The powerful global scaling feature enables bulk creation and application of multiple meta fields simultaneously, saving time and increasing productivity. Say goodbye to manual processes and effortlessly manage metadata with ease.

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Yksinkertaista tietojen hallintaa massasiirrolla

Virtaviivaista tietojen hallintatehtäviäsi helposti Metafields-massasiirto-ominaisuuden avulla, joka poistaa manuaalisen syöttämisen ja yksinkertaistaa tietojen synkronointi- ja tuontiprosesseja.

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Increase Conversions with Dynamic Banners

Dynamic banners enhance website visibility and engage audiences with personalized content. Capture attention, promote sales, and increase conversions with this impactful tool.

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Main Features

Globaalin laajentaminen

Lataaminen suurissa erissä

Dynaamiset bannerit




Any development store can use the app for free until they upgrade their account to a paid Shopify plan



Import/Export Metafields (via ID or handle)

Advanced field types

5MB Image/File upload

One-click Metafields export



Everything in Starter plan

Global Metafields

Priority support

15MB Image/File upload

Multiple templates



Everything in Pro plan

100MB Image/File upload

Dedicated support


Bundle and save $1000

Access to 18+ apps

Premium features

24/7 unified priority support

Onboarding, setup & migration

200+ team members

Dedicated account manager

* All charges are billed in USD.** Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.

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What our clients say about us

Simple to use, access to various metafields and helps customize the store regularly for a really nominal cost.

Haggar Canada

Used to create custom text metadata for collections and it is perfect!! To show the info stored at metadatas you have to edit some theme liquid files. I recommend it 100%.

Koike Barcelona

Good platform to overcome design limitations that we were facing. Customer service is responsive as well.


Mukauta tietoja tuen avulla mukautettujen kenttien ja metafieldsien luomiseen, mahdollistamalla henkilökohtaisen tiedon.

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Hulk Metafields Mukautettu Kenttä Mestari

Hulk Metafields Mukautettu Kenttä Mestari