Adding products to cart from anywhere, quickly, in one click

Aggiungi al carrello ovunque
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Consenti ai tuoi clienti di aggiungere al carrello da qualsiasi punto del tuo negozio.
Consenti ai tuoi clienti di aggiungere al carrello da qualsiasi punto del tuo negozio.

Power sales when customers can buy now, anywhere
Let customers instantly add the products they want to buy now to their cart—including collections, search results, or even your homepage.
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Seamless shopping for multiple variants, and quantities
Seamless “buy-now” for products with multiple sizes, colors, quantities or other variants, for quick and large orders.
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Bottoni 'Aggiungi al carrello' perfettamente in linea con il marchio
Personalizza i bottoni 'Aggiungi al carrello' per adattarli al design del negozio del tuo marchio.
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Main Features
Fai in modo che i clienti possano acquistare ora, ovunque
Multiple varianti e quantità
Aggiungi al carrello
Unlimited clicks
Variant selectors
Quantity picker
No hidden fees
Glad to help quickly & efficiently 24/7
* All charges are billed in USD.** Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Consenti ai tuoi clienti di aggiungere al carrello da qualsiasi punto del tuo negozio.
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