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Discover the Wholesale Helper apps, now part of Shop Circle, to simplify and boost your wholesale business on Shopify.

1 minutes, 57 seconds

We are excited to announce that Wholesale Helper has joined the Shop Circle family of apps, becoming our newest member. With this addition, we are introducing five new apps to our app portfolio, each designed to improve wholesale ordering experiences for your customers. Wholesale Helper offers apps that make selling wholesale on Shopify easy and fast. You can transform your current store into a complete D2C + B2B wholesale experience for all your customers.

Wholesale Pricing Discount

With Wholesale Pricing Discount, you can tailor pricing and discounts uniquely for each customer. This means Customer A can receive one price, while Customer B gets another, and so on - allowing for personalized pricing strategies. Set up B2B wholesale pricing, volume/tiered discounts, net payment terms, shipping rates, and more to suit your business needs.

Wholesale Order Form & ReOrder

With Wholesale Order Form & ReOrder, make ordering and reordering easy for your B2B and retail customers with a single-page order form. Customers can order multiple products from a quick Order Form in just a few clicks, simplifying the purchasing process and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Wholesale Lock Manager

Secure your Shopify store's content with Wholesale Lock Manager. Lock, hide, or password-protect products, collections, prices, and add-to-cart on your Shopify store with a few simple clicks. You can also secure specific pages or your entire storefront with locks, ensuring that only authorized customers have access to certain content.


Manage your accounts receivable and net terms hassle-free with AReceivables. This app allows you to send payment reminders with automated emails, track unpaid balances due by customers, manage invoices and unpaid orders in a centralized dashboard, and send PDF invoices to your customers with a single click.

Pre-Order Helper

Don't miss out on additional revenue by offering pre-orders with Pre-Order Helper! This app allows you to sell items before they are in stock, with a customizable pre-order button to match your brand. You can even accept wholesale pre-orders, ensuring you capture every sales opportunity.

We're thrilled to have Wholesale Helper as part of our family and are confident these new apps will contribute to your wholesale operations on Shopify. With Wholesale Helper, you can easily manage your wholesale orders with simple and effective solutions.

Check out our wholesale apps today and see how they can transform your business!

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