Easy, reusable data management for creating unique layouts

사용자 정의 필드 강조
사용자 정의 필드 강조
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4.9 / 5 (132 reviews) ·

독창적인 레이아웃, 매력적인 갤러리, 사용자 친화적인 메뉴로 사이트를 돋보이게 하세요.

독창적인 레이아웃, 매력적인 갤러리, 사용자 친화적인 메뉴로 사이트를 돋보이게 하세요.

Advanced Custom Field Types

Accentuate offers a robust custom field creation tool, allowing businesses to create advanced field types for any Shopify object. These fields can include checkboxes, dates, multi-language text fields, and more.

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Advanced Multilingual Content Support for a Global Audience

This feature allows you to craft and oversee content in various languages, thus broadening your store's appeal to an international market. By championing language inclusivity, Accentuate strengthens your business's capacity to provide bespoke customer experiences, heighten interaction, and expand your influence on a global scale.

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Effortless Content Versioning

Gives you the freedom to experiment with your content without fear of losing past iterations. This means you can continuously update and improve your content, while always having the ability to revert back to previous versions if necessary.

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Main Features

사용자 정의 필드 유형

다국어 콘텐츠

버전 관리




All features available without restrictions

Same-day technical support



For paid Shopify plans

Enterprise CDN

Image resizing in Liquid

Custom fields & media uploads

Professional Plus


For paid Shopify plans

All professional features +

Versioning w/90 days history


* All charges are billed in USD.** Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.

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What our clients say about us

Unrivalled metafield app for Shopify, the options and configurability are excellent and operation is flawless. Store syncing of definitions between multiple accounts is a huge time saver. Support from Mikkel for a particularly large dataset export was incredibly fast.

Black Diamond

This app is just insanely good. We've essentially built a new CMS that is intuitive and highly customisable thanks to all the custom field features native to Accentuate. Highly recommended.

Marvels from the World

This app allows us to supercharge all our content. You really need custom fields to offer a full experience to your customers and Accentuate makes it truly amazing. The best thing about it is by far its customer service, no way to fail when you know you are in good hands! 5 happy stars!


독창적인 레이아웃, 매력적인 갤러리, 사용자 친화적인 메뉴로 사이트를 돋보이게 하세요.

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사용자 정의 필드 강조

사용자 정의 필드 강조