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Explorar opções de produtos na sua loja Shopify

Discover how offering the right product options in your Shopify store can make shopping more personalized and increase your sales.

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When running a Shopify store, offering a variety of product options is necessary to fulfill different customer needs and preferences. Shopify provides several ways to manage and present these options. 

With this blog post we will help you understand and utilize product options in your Shopify store. Product options allow you to offer a variety of choices for a single product, such as different sizes, colors, materials, or customizations. This flexibility can enhance your customers' shopping experience by providing them with more options to choose from, ultimately increasing your sales and customer satisfaction.

Product variants

Product variants allow you to offer different versions of the same product. Each variant can have its own price, SKU, weight, and inventory level.

  • Examples: Colors, sizes, materials.
  • Setup: In your Shopify admin, go to "Products," select the product you want to edit, and then click on "Add variant." You can add options like size and color, and create variants for each combination.
  • Benefits: By organizing products with variants, you can manage your inventory more efficiently and provide a better shopping experience, leading to higher conversion rates and fewer returns. Having detailed variant options can help in targeted marketing efforts, as it allows better tracking of customer preferences and purchasing trends.

Customizable product options

For products that require customization, such as engraved items or personalized gifts, you can offer customizable options.

  • Examples: Text engraving, custom measurements, special instructions.
  • Setup: Use apps like Hulk Product Options to add fields where customers can input their custom details.
  • Benefits: Offering unique customization options can help differentiate your store from competitors. This also creates a stronger emotional connection between the customer and the brand, forming loyalty and long-term relationships.

Bundles and kits

Offering products in bundles or kits can increase your average order value and provide a convenient shopping experience for customers.

  • Examples: A skincare set, a workout gear bundle.
  • Setup: Use apps like VolumeBoost to create and manage product bundles.
  • Benefits: Selling products in bundles can help manage inventory more efficiently by moving multiple items at the same time, reducing excess stock. Bundles can be used for special promotions, seasonal offers, or to move slow-selling inventory, providing flexibility in your marketing strategies.

Product add-ons

Add-ons allow customers to add complementary items or services to their main purchase.

  • Examples: Gift wrapping, extended warranties, additional accessories.
  • Setup: Use apps like SC Product Options to offer add-ons alongside your main products.
  • Benefits: This strategy can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, as shoppers appreciate the convenience of getting everything they need in one place. 

Pre-order options

If you want to generate hype for upcoming products or manage inventory for high-demand items, pre-order options can be very effective.

  • Examples: New product launches, limited edition items.
  • Setup: Use apps like Pre-Order Helper to allow customers to place orders for products that are not yet available.
  • Benefits: By offering pre-orders, merchants can build excitement, customer interest and secure sales before the product is even available, ensuring a smoother launch and better inventory management. 

Subscription products

For products that are regularly used or consumed, offering subscription options can provide a steady stream of revenue.

  • Examples: Monthly snack boxes, beauty product subscriptions.
  • Setup: Use apps like Subscription Plus to set up and manage subscription products.
  • Benefits: Easy subscription management to maximize subscriptions and ensuring a steady stream of recurring revenue

Digital products

If you sell digital goods, such as e-books, music, or software, you need a way to deliver these products electronically.

  • Examples: Downloadable guides, software licenses, digital art.
  • Setup: Use apps like Sky Pilot - Digital Downloads to handle digital product delivery and management.
  • Benefits: Simplify the management and delivery of digital products, including updates and version control, all within a single platform. And make sure that digital goods are delivered securely, protecting against unauthorized access and piracy.

Final Thoughts

Offering a variety of product options in your Shopify store can greatly enhance the shopping experience and increase sales. By utilizing Shopify's built-in features and the right apps, you can cater to diverse customer needs and preferences. Whether it’s through variants, customizations, bundles, or subscriptions, having flexible product options will set your store apart and keep customers coming back.

Happy selling!

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