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Shop Circle blog

Actionable, data-centered insights to position you at the forefront of e-commerce.

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Profit potential of a virtual classroom

Sky Pilot | Digital Commerce | Apps

Potencial de lucro de uma sala de aula virtual

The emergence of online courses and the virtual classroom has completely redefined how education and e-commerce can expand reach to unlock learning.

Sep 08, 2022 | 5 minutes, 10 seconds
1 of every 6 books sold is an e-book. Could yours be one of them?

Sky Pilot | Digital Commerce | Apps

1 em cada 6 livros vendidos é um e-book. Poderia ser o seu um deles?

With massive shifts in the commerce landscape, e-books found remarkable traction. And digital downloads are enabling this massive growth in literary e-commerce.

Sep 08, 2022 | 5 minutes, 15 seconds
A-Z on getting digital with D2C sales in the music industry

Sky Pilot | Digital Commerce | Apps

Do A ao Z sobre como digitalizar as vendas D2C na indústria musical

D2C extends the music industry further, faster, at a time when traditional approaches to the music industry are stalling.

Sep 07, 2022 | 4 minutes,
3 secrets to growing your Shopify store quickly

Digital Commerce | Apps

3 segredos para fazer crescer a sua loja Shopify rapidamente

Grow your e-commerce store quickly with these strategic solutions that never seem to fail.

Aug 22, 2022 | 6 minutes, 52 seconds
Conjured Referrals vs. Rivo: Which Shopify referral app is best for you?

SC Conjured Referrals | Apps

Conjured Referrals vs. Rivo: Qual é o melhor aplicativo de indicação Shopify para você?

Learn the difference between Conjured Referrals and Rivo, and make the best choice for your business.

Aug 22, 2022 | 5 minutes, 49 seconds
BFCM tips to make sales rein from 3 Shopify brands sleighing it

Comércio digital | Aplicações | Marcas

Dicas BFCM para aumentar as vendas de 3 marcas Shopify de sucesso

Stand out from the crowd with tips from these 3 Shopify merchants.

Aug 06, 2022 | 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Make sales snowball: BFCM tips from leading Shopify innovators

Comércio Digital | Aplicações | Destaque do Parceiro

Faça as suas vendas aumentarem como uma bola de neve: dicas BFCM dos principais inovadores Shopify

We spoke with leading Shopify innovators to bring you the best advice to make sales snowball in Q4.

Aug 05, 2022 | 5 minutes, 56 seconds
Sleigh your busiest season

Digital Commerce | Apps

Supere a sua época mais movimentada

We're excited to share some must-bookmark advice from Shop Circle executives who have seen it all in e-ecommerce

Aug 04, 2022 | 1 minutes, 55 seconds
Set up your Facebook and Instagram Stores to reach more customers

Digital Commerce | Apps

Configure as suas lojas no Facebook e Instagram para chegar a mais clientes

Delivering an article about personalization tailored according to your needs.

Aug 02, 2022 | 1 minutes, 41 seconds
Personalize the gifting experience

Digital Commerce | Apps

Personalize a experiência de oferta

If you aren't personalizing your gift card program, you're missing out on a vital opportunity to retain customers.

Aug 01, 2022 | 2 minutes,
Spruce up your web pages

Fundo de vídeo SC | Comércio digital | Aplicações

Aprimore suas páginas da web

Time to spruce up your web pages to increase clicks and purchases.

Jul 29, 2022 | 1 minutes, 50 seconds
Boost sales with referrals and reward your customers

SC Conjured Referrals | Comércio Digital | Aplicações

Aumente as vendas com referências e recompense os seus clientes

Referred customers are 18% more loyal, have a 16% higher lifetime value rate, and spend 13% more than their non-referred counterparts.

Jul 28, 2022 | 1 minutes, 46 seconds
Set your busy season shipping strategy

Calculadora de taxas de envio SC + | Comércio Digital | Aplicações

Defina a sua estratégia de envio para a temporada movimentada

Even during summer months, look ahead to how you'll prepare shipping products for a busy holiday shopping season that could overwhelm you with an influx of online shoppers.

Jul 28, 2022 | 1 minutes, 42 seconds
Map out your inventory strategy and have a contingency plan

Sky Pilot | Digital Commerce | Apps

Elabore a sua estratégia de inventário e tenha um plano de contingência

One of the most important decisions you’ll make as a Shopify merchant is determining which products to offer in your inventory, and how to manage them effectively.

Jul 27, 2022 | 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Test your store for an influx of visitors

Apps | Digital Commerce

Teste a sua loja para uma afluência de visitantes

Network outages can cause revenue loss at a rate of $5,600 per minute. Learn how to optimize your store for peak performance.

Jul 26, 2022 | 1 minutes, 51 seconds
6 ways to grow your digital downloads sales with WhatsApp marketing

Sky Pilot | Destaque de Parceiros | Aplicações

6 formas de aumentar as suas vendas de downloads digitais com marketing no WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a perfect fit as a distribution channel for your digital downloads

Jul 08, 2022 | 5 minutes, 3 seconds
5 inspiring referral marketing programs to learn from

SC Referências Evocadas | Aplicações | Comércio Digital

5 programas inspiradores de marketing de referência para aprender

Word-of-mouth marketing works wonders. Here are 5 inspiring industry examples to learn from as you craft the ideal referral marketing program for your store.

Jul 08, 2022 | 5 minutes, 19 seconds
Introducing Shop Circle: A commerce tools powerhouse operator

Comércio digital | Aplicações | Marcas

Apresentando o Shop Circle: Um operador de ferramentas de comércio eletrónico poderoso

Shop Circle, a leading e-commerce app operator, has launched out of stealth mode to reveal its expanding tech suite with a $65M in financing.

Jun 28, 2022 | 3 minutes, 9 seconds
Email marketing tactics to help service-based businesses deliver results

Destaque de Parceiros | Aplicações | Marcação de Clientes SC

Táticas de email marketing para ajudar empresas de serviços a obter resultados

SidePanda and Shop Circle applications integrate for better targeting in email marketing.

Jun 18, 2022 | 4 minutes, 28 seconds
Perfect video placement on Shopify

Fundo de vídeo SC | Aplicações | Destaque para parceiros

Colocação perfeita de vídeos no Shopify

Jun 18, 2022 | 7 minutes, 9 seconds
How to enhance your customer gift experience using tags and segmentation

SC etiquetagem de clientes | Aplicações | Comércio digital

Como melhorar a experiência de oferta do cliente utilizando tags e segmentação

Delivering a memorable gifting experience that goes beyond the purchase.

Jun 11, 2022 | 6 minutes, 48 seconds
Top 4 fulfillment pitfalls e-commerce brands face and how to avoid them

Comércio Digital | Destaque do Parceiro | Aplicações

Os 4 principais desafios de cumprimento que as marcas de comércio eletrónico enfrentam e como evitá-los

Fulfillment processes play a critical part in the overall customer experience.

Jun 10, 2022 | 7 minutes, 49 seconds
Rise of digital goods in the post-pandemic era

Sky Pilot | Apps | Digital Commerce

Ascensão de bens digitais na era pós-pandémica

The popularity of digital goods has been rising in the post-pandemic era. Read on to find out how to harness this disruption and become a tycoon in the digital products industry.

Jun 09, 2022 | 5 minutes, 29 seconds
4 actionable strategies to conquer cart abandonment

Calculadora de Taxas de Envio SC + | Aplicações | Comércio Digital

4 estratégias eficazes para conquistar o abandono de carrinho

Jun 08, 2022 | 6 minutes, 58 seconds
Shopify Flow vs. SC Order Tags & Flows: Which automated app unlocks truly flexible order management?

Etiquetas e fluxos de pedidos SC | Aplicações | Comércio Digital

Shopify Flow vs. SC Order Tags & Flows: Qual aplicativo automatizado desbloqueia um gerenciamento de pedidos verdadeiramente flexível?

Instead of manual order management — which takes up valuable time and labor — retailers can turn to an app that automatically supports “triggers” to these actions instead.

Jun 07, 2022 | 4 minutes, 58 seconds
How displaying shipping costs can reduce your cart abandonment rate

Calculadora de Taxas de Envio SC + | Aplicações

Como a exibição dos custos de envio pode reduzir a taxa de abandono do carrinho

When Shopify merchants add shipping rates calculators to their stores, they can save lost revenue by simplifying the shopping journey.

Jun 06, 2022 | 5 minutes, 11 seconds
Shopify Trends 2022

Comércio digital | Marcas | Aplicações

Tendências Shopify 2022

The rapidly changing e-commerce world is bringing about numerous unique trends in the upcoming years.

Jun 04, 2022 | 8 minutes, 34 seconds
Customizable Reports for Order Management on Shopify: SC Order Tags & Flows x Report Toaster

Etiquetas e fluxos de pedidos SC | Integrações | Aplicações

Relatórios personalizáveis para gestão de encomendas no Shopify: Etiquetas de encomendas SC e Torradeira de relatórios

So much data, such little time... Use Order Tagger and Report Toaster together to create highly customizable reports.

Jun 03, 2022 | 5 minutes, 16 seconds
The importance of a personalized experience for your customers

Etiquetas de encomenda SC e fluxos | Comércio digital | Aplicações

A importância de uma experiência personalizada para os seus clientes

Delivering an article about personalization tailored according to your needs.

Jun 02, 2022 | 7 minutes, 24 seconds
Maximizing Conversions: The Perfect Place to Add Videos on your Shopify Page

Fundo de vídeo SC | Comércio digital | Aplicações

Maximizar Conversões: O Lugar Perfeito para Adicionar Vídeos na sua página do Shopify

Maximizing Conversions: The Perfect Place to Add Videos on your Shopify Page

Apr 06, 2022 | 7 minutes, 41 seconds