Inquérito Pós-Compra Hulk NPS

4.7 Rating

Obtenha informações acionáveis e feedback dos clientes com a aplicação de inquérito pós-compra.

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Power Business Growth with Analytics

Leverage the power of insightful analytics to acquire essential customer data, empowering your business with data-driven strategies. By utilizing comprehensive analytics, you can gather valuable insights that inform your decision-making and drive success in your marketing, sales, and customer engagement efforts.

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Aumente a produtividade através de automação de ponta

Eleve o seu desempenho de vendas utilizando técnicas estratégicas de questionamento para descobrir as necessidades, preferências e dores dos clientes. Ao fazer as perguntas certas, pode reunir insights valiosos e personalizar a sua abordagem de vendas, resultando na melhoria do crescimento e dos resultados de vendas.

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Create a Unique Online Presence

Enhance your website's visual appeal and user experience by customizing buttons, layouts, and design to create a cohesive and unique online presence that resonates with your target audience.

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Main Features

CSS Avançado

Formulários de inquérito personalizados

Notificações do administrador




Any development store can use the app for free until they upgrade their account to a paid Shopify plan



Unlimited responses

Export responses as CSV

Required/Optional field

Survey statistics

White labeled forms (no watermarks)

* All charges are billed in USD.** Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.


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What our clients say about us

Hands down the best app for direct response marketers. You're able to ask your customers ANY questions you'd like with this app and that's beyond marketing gold.

Laibmann Online Shop

I highly recomend this app, It helped to interact with my customer and focus on the task that based on their needs. I finally found that our customers are the main part of our partners when u needs ideas to improve the quality of your service/producs. kudos to the team behind NPS Survey.

Truly Lifestyle Brand Inc.

If you're looking for a really simple post-purchase survey, this is really perfect. Easy to use and does the trick. Over 50% of our customers have answered our simple survey and it has given us greater insight into how we've acuqired them.

Sassy & Arbee

Inquérito Pós-Compra Hulk NPS

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