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Küresel Etki Basitleştirildi: Snag Tights Vaka Çalışması

How Snag Tights used the Hulk Mobile App Builder to unify six Shopify stores into one app, improving customer loyalty and increasing revenue.


Snag tayt


Hulk Mobil Uygulama Oluşturucu



About Snag Tights

Snag Tights is a female-owned, independent brand that champions size inclusivity. Every product is available in all sizes from 4 to 36, ensuring an exceptional fit for everyone. Unlike others, Snag Tights doesn’t rely on mechanical grading; instead, each size is fitted on real people. The brand is proud of this unique approach. They serve customers in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, and the EU.

Utilizing Hulk Mobile App Builder

To enhance their customers' shopping experience, Snag Tights leveraged the Hulk Mobile App Builder. This powerful tool allowed them to create a unified mobile experience without the need for coding knowledge. With Hulk Mobile App Builder, Snag Tights optimized customer loyalty and streamlined browsing, which led to improved customer retention rates and boosted their order revenue.

Unifying Six Stores into One App

One of the standout features for Snag Tights was the ability to integrate six different Shopify stores into one mobile app. Each store operates in a different region - Australia & New Zealand, UK, USA, EU (English and German), and Canada - and uses different currencies. This integration was made possible due to Hulk Mobile App Builder's capabilities.

  • Currency and Language Changes: The app supports multiple currencies and languages, making it easier for customers to shop in their preferred settings.
  • Availability on Different Sales Channels: Products are accessible across various platforms, enhancing visibility.
  • Individual Store Management: Each store can be managed separately, allowing for tailored strategies and offerings.
  • Translation Features: Google Translate and Shopify Translate & Adapt were used via API keys to ensure accurate translations for all regions.

Hulk VolumeBoost & Advanced Wishlist Integration

Snag Tights has had great success with integrating other Hulk’s apps - VolumeBoost and Advanced Wishlist.

VolumeBoost has made it easy for Snag Tights to run discount campaigns. They use it for volume discounts, order discounts, and product bundles. This has helped them attract more customers and increase sales. Advanced Wishlist has been very helpful for their customers. It lets them organize their carts and wishlist items better, making it easier to keep track of what they want to buy.

By using VolumeBoost and Advanced Wishlist together, Snag Tights has improved their shopping experience. These apps have boosted their sales and made their customers happier.

Benefits of Hulk Mobile App Builder

Hulk Mobile App Builder offers many features that helped Snag Tights achieve their goals:

  • Real-time Push Notifications and Insights: Keep customers engaged with timely updates and track their interactions.
  • Automated Push Notifications: Keep customers updated about offers, order status, and other relevant information with automated messages sent to their devices.
  • Compatibility with iOS and Android: Ensure a smooth experience for users on both major mobile operating systems.
  • Interactive Dashboard: Manage the app easily without needing advanced coding skills.
  • Deep Linking Integrations: Connect with Google Analytics and Facebook for better marketing insights.
  • Single-Page Checkout: Simplify the purchase process for customers, encouraging more sales.

Snag Tights Thrives Globally with Mobile App Builder

Snag Tights has successfully harnessed the power of Hulk Mobile App Builder to provide a superior shopping experience for their customers across six different regions. The app's features have allowed them to cater to a diverse audience while maintaining their commitment to size inclusivity and exceptional fit. With this powerful tool, Snag Tights continues to grow and thrive in the global market.

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