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SC Conjured Referrals

The public-benefit cycling brand saving lives one referral at a time: Use Case of Thousand

How this purpose-driven brand launched a referral program to make safety seamless—and stylish.




Referral marketing



As a team comprised of recreational cyclists in many unique urban and rural areas around the globe—huge believers that helmets save lives. 

Which is why we're excited to showcase Thousand - a company so mission driven that they named their brand for their “goal of helping to save 1,000 lives by making helmets people actually want to wear.” 

The Thousand story

Thousand is a consumer goods brand making accessories for urban riders on bikes, boards, and scooters. Our mission is to change the way people move around their cities, by building more convenient, stylish, and sustainable tools for urban travelers. Founded with values like sustainability, diversity, and impact, it’s easy to love more than just Thousand’s attractive helmets.

Using SC Conjured Referrals, Thousand opted to launch a traditional “Give X, Get Y” style referral campaign, where both their advocates and friends get a percentage off their purchases.

Thousand has done an incredible job at applying their brand’s style and messaging to their program. They include a strong call to action in their top bar, and they’ve seen some really incredible success in driving new customers through their word of mouth marketing. 

We’re always thrilled to help brands that are doing good for the world, and continue to be grateful that we get to work with amazing brands like Thousand making the world a safer place to live, work, and play.

Next time you’re in the market for a helmet, you know exactly where to go!

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