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Don't lose sales at checkout: How SC Product Options saves your Shopify carts

SC Product Options | Digital Commerce

Verlieren Sie keine Verkäufe beim Checkout: Wie SC Product Options Ihre Shopify-Warenkörbe speichert

Simplify Shopify checkout: SC Product Options lets you edit in cart and see clear pricing, boosting sales and customer satisfaction.

May 13, 2024 | 1 minutes, 33 seconds
Digital products on the go: Sky Pilot & Hulk Mobile App Builder integration

Sky Pilot | HulkApps

Digitale Produkte unterwegs: Integration von Sky Pilot & Hulk Mobile App Builder

Unlock the full potential of mobile sales: Sky Pilot and Hulk Mobile App Builder team up for your Shopify store.

May 13, 2024 | 2 minutes, 8 seconds
Goal setting mastery: Creating an SC Sales Motivator goal

SC Verkaufsförderer | Leitfäden und Anleitungen

Beherrschung der Zielerreichung: Erstellen eines SC Sales Motivator-Ziels

Personalize incentives and motivate instant purchases on your Shopify store with SC Sales Motivator.

May 10, 2024 | 3 minutes, 23 seconds
Global opportunities: Expanding your e-commerce presence with Releasit

Releasit | Digital Commerce

Weltweite Chancen: Erweitern Sie Ihre E-Commerce-Präsenz mit Releasit

Customers prefer Cash on Delivery? Releasit unlocks these top markets for your Shopify store.

May 09, 2024 | 3 minutes, 9 seconds
Exploring the world of loyalty programs

SC Loyalty Rewards | Digital Commerce

Die Welt der Treueprogramme entdecken

Loyalty programs effectively increase customer lifetime value and brand loyalty in e-commerce.

May 08, 2024 | 3 minutes, 29 seconds
May the sales be with you: Growth strategies with SC Conjured Referrals

SC Beschworene Empfehlungen | Digitaler Handel

Mögen die Verkäufe mit Ihnen sein: Wachstumsstrategien mit SC Conjured Referrals

Boost your May marketing efforts with SC Conjured Referrals, tapping into word-of-mouth influence and limited-time discounts.

May 03, 2024 | 1 minutes, 52 seconds
Easily manage, organize and automate orders with SC Order Tags & Flows

SC Bestelltags und -abläufe | Digitale Wirtschaft

Verwalten, organisieren und automatisieren Sie Bestellungen einfach mit den SC Order Tags & Flows

Improve your order management with SC Order Tags & Flows, tagging orders, automating tasks, and enjoying 40% off for 2 months on all plans!

May 03, 2024 | 1 minutes, 58 seconds
Top 10 creative ways to use metafields with Accentuate Custom Fields on Shopify

Accentuate | Digital Commerce

Top 10 kreative Möglichkeiten, Metafields mit Accentuate Custom Fields auf Shopify zu verwenden

Make your Shopify store even more powerful with the Accentuate Custom Fields and metafields, giving you ten brilliant ways to boost creativity and customization.

Apr 30, 2024 | 2 minutes, 52 seconds
Click, connect, repeat: How loyalty programs keep customers coming back

SC Loyalty Rewards | Digital Commerce

Klicken, verbinden, wiederholen: Wie Kundenbindungssysteme die Kunden wiederkommen lassen

Learn how loyalty programs strengthen customer loyalty and drive repeat business in our insightful guide.

Apr 30, 2024 | 4 minutes, 17 seconds
Refining your search experience: Introducing Region-Specific Autocomplete on SC Store Locator Map

SC Filialfinder Karte | Digitaler Handel

Verbessern Sie Ihr Sucherlebnis: Einführung der regionsbezogenen Autovervollständigung auf der SC Store Locator Map

Discover how SC Store Locator Map is transforming the search experience with region-specific autocomplete, making it easier than ever to find your desired locations quickly and accurately.

Apr 29, 2024 | 1 minutes, 34 seconds
Girls in ICT Day


Mädchen in der IKT-Initiative

Girls in ICT Day champions young women's involvement in technology, encouraging them to lead and innovate in the ICT sector.

Apr 25, 2024 | 8 minutes, 34 seconds
Cash on delivery made easy: Exploring our Releasit apps!

Releasit | Digital Commerce

Bezahlung per Nachnahme leicht gemacht: Entdecken Sie unsere Releasit-Apps!

Take control of your COD orders with Releasit. Easy setup, advanced features for a worry-free experience.

Apr 24, 2024 | 2 minutes, 8 seconds
What are the five ways to upsell a product?

CartHook | Digital Commerce

Was sind die fünf Möglichkeiten, um den Verkauf eines Produkts zu steigern?

Learn 5 upsell tactics to increase your online store's revenue, focusing on customer value with the help of CartHook.

Apr 23, 2024 | 3 minutes, 21 seconds
Simplify selling PDF books online with Sky Pilot

Digitaler Handel | Sky Pilot

Vereinfachen Sie den Verkauf von PDF-Büchern online mit Sky Pilot

Learn how to sell your PDF books online effortlessly with Sky Pilot - Digital Downloads, reaching a global audience and maximizing your profits.

Apr 23, 2024 | 3 minutes, 2 seconds
How to utilize Accentuate Custom Fields for enhanced product customization

Akzentuieren | Apps

Wie Sie Accentuate Custom Fields zur Verbesserung der Produktanpassung nutzen können

Learn how Accentuate Custom Fields on Shopify can boost your sales by customizing product details and offering personalized options.

Apr 22, 2024 | 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Shop Circle x Earth Day: Leading the way towards sustainability

Digital Commerce | Apps

Shop Circle x Earth Day: Den Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit führend

Discover how Shop Circle is leading the charge in sustainability and social responsibility with innovative initiatives and impactful partnerships.

Apr 22, 2024 | 2 minutes, 4 seconds
Making referrals personal: Custom email domain feature

SC Conjured Referrals | Apps

Persönliche Empfehlungen: Funktion zur Anpassung der E-Mail-Domain

SC Conjured Referrals' new Custom Email Domain feature lets you send referral emails from your own domain, raising brand trust and referral success.

Apr 18, 2024 | 1 minutes, 53 seconds
Shopify Metafields for Dummies

Accentuate | Digital Commerce

Shopify Metafields für Anfänger

Shopify Metafields: Go beyond the basics! Extend functionality, personalize & organize your store.

Apr 18, 2024 | 4 minutes, 9 seconds
Personalized upsells: The powerful combo of CartHook and Customer Tagging

SC Kundenmarkierung

Individuelle Upgrades: Die leistungsstarke Kombination von CartHook und Kundenzuordnung

Discover the dynamic synergy between CartHook and Customer Tagging, unlocking the potential for personalized upsells that elevate your post-purchase strategy and drive sales.

Apr 08, 2024 | 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Key insights from over 1,000 e-commerce pricing tests: Optimizing for profit

Digital Commerce

Wichtige Erkenntnisse aus über 1.000 E-Commerce-Preistests: Optimierung für Gewinn

Uncover valuable insights from e-commerce pricing tests to boost profits and refine sales strategies.

Mar 27, 2024 | 1 minutes, 51 seconds
Top strategies to prepare for spring sales campaign

Digital Commerce | Apps

Top-Strategien zur Vorbereitung auf die Frühjahrssaison

Discover the top strategies to maximize your e-commerce sales this spring, from refreshing your inventory to leveraging social media and email marketing.

Mar 27, 2024 | 2 minutes, 8 seconds
Securing digital assets: Sky Pilot's defense against piracy on Shopify

Sky Pilot | Apps

Sicherung digitaler Vermögenswerte: Sky Pilots Abwehr gegen Piraterie auf Shopify

Sky Pilot's PDF stamping and license keys features fortify merchant defenses against digital product piracy and unauthorized access with advanced security measures.

Mar 21, 2024 | 3 minutes, 16 seconds
The Payment Provider Dilemma: Should you have all popular payment providers on your store?

Apps | Digital Commerce

Das Zahlungsanbieter-Dilemma: Sollten Sie alle beliebten Zahlungsanbieter in Ihrem Geschäft haben?

Integrating PayPal and Stripe, Shopify merchants can enhance the checkout experience and boost customer satisfaction.

Mar 12, 2024 | 1 minutes, 45 seconds
Google Core update March 2024 and the impact on Shopify stores

Apps | Digital Commerce

Google Core Update März 2024 und Auswirkungen auf Shopify-Stores

Guiding Shopify store owners through adapting to Google's March 2024 Core Update with a focus on content quality and user engagement.

Mar 12, 2024 | 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Deepening customer engagement: How SC Loyalty Rewards transforms Shopify stores

SC Treuebelohnungen | Apps

Vertiefung der Kundenbindung: Wie SC Loyalty Rewards Shopify-Stores verwandelt

Introducing SC Loyalty Rewards, a tool designed to elevate Shopify stores through customizable rewards, tiered engagement, and sophisticated retention tools.

Mar 11, 2024 | 4 minutes, 30 seconds
Shopify Flow: The solution to effortless e-commerce automation

Apps | Digital Commerce

Shopify Flow: Die Lösung für mühelose E-Commerce-Automatisierung

Discover how Shopify Flow revolutionizes e-commerce by automating tasks, enhancing customer experiences, and driving growth for Shopify merchants.

Mar 06, 2024 | 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Advanced Search in Accentuate: The key to efficient Shopify store management

Accentuate | Digital Commerce

Erweiterte Suche in Accentuate: Der Schlüssel für effizientes Shopify-Shop-Management

Discover how Accentuate's Advanced Search transforms Shopify store management with detailed searches, precision filtering, and saved filters for ultimate efficiency.

Mar 04, 2024 | 2 minutes, 59 seconds
Expand your Shopify store's visibility with SC Store Locator Map

SC Filialfinder Karte | Apps

Erhöhen Sie die Sichtbarkeit Ihres Shopify-Shops mit der SC Store Locator-Karte

Simplify store discovery and boost visits with the SC Store Locator Map on your Shopify site.

Feb 27, 2024 | 5 minutes, 23 seconds
Create a unique Shopify experience with the flexible customization of SC Product Options

SC Product Options | Digital Commerce

Erstellen Sie mit der flexiblen Anpassung von SC-Produktoptionen ein einzigartiges Shopify-Erlebnis

Transform your Shopify store with SC Product Options, maximizing customization and revenue while exceeding customer expectations.

Feb 21, 2024 | 2 minutes, 26 seconds
New levels of security and control with Sky Pilot's License Keys feature

Sky Pilot | Digitaler Handel

Neue Sicherheits- und Kontrollmöglichkeiten mit der Sky Pilot License Keys-Funktion

Explore Sky Pilot's License Keys feature, a game-changer for Shopify stores, ensuring digital product security, preventing unauthorized access, and streamlining subscription management.

Feb 20, 2024 | 2 minutes, 43 seconds