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Shop Circle blog

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Shop Circle’s new consultancy service elevates the tech stack and accelerates growth

Digital Commerce | Apps

Der neue Beratungsservice von Shop Circle optimiert den Technologie-Stack und beschleunigt das Wachstum

Shop Circle delivers a free tech stack consultancy to serve a fully customized, future-proof Shopify tech stack and accelerate online growth.

Apr 18, 2023 | 3 minutes, 28 seconds
New Sky Pilot update unlocks digital downloads for subscription brands

Sky Pilot | Apps | Digital Commerce

Neues Sky Pilot-Update ermöglicht digitale Downloads für Abonnementsmarken

An update to Shop Circle’s popular digital downloads app allows merchants and brands to sell digital items to subscribers.

Apr 17, 2023 | 3 minutes, 36 seconds
Unlock revenue streams and pivotal customer data with new Sky Pilot-Klaviyo integration

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Schließen Sie neue Sky Pilot-Klaviyo-Integration an und schalten Sie Einnahmequellen und Schlüsselkundendaten frei

Sky Pilot and Klaviyo integrate, allowing merchants and brands selling digital downloads to deliver remarkable end-to-end shopping experiences on Shopify.

Mar 22, 2023 | 4 minutes, 5 seconds
The #1 tool for restricting access to digital content

Sky Pilot | Apps | Digital Commerce

Das Nr. 1 Tool zur Beschränkung des Zugriffs auf digitale Inhalte

The Sky Pilot app lets digital product sellers restrict access based on business logic, reducing risk of fraud, piracy, and unauthorized sharing.

Mar 17, 2023 | 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Why SC Store Locator Map was the Solution for Slawsa from Shark Tank

SC Geschäfte Locator Karte | Digitaler Handel | Apps

Warum war die SC Store Locator Map die Lösung für Slawsa aus Shark Tank

We love e-commerce success stories. Learn how SC Store Locator Map helped Slawsa grow and scale.

Jan 31, 2023 | 3 minutes, 43 seconds
4 free traffic sources to drive 1,000+ visitors to your online store (daily)

SC Filialfinder Karte | Apps

4 kostenlose Traffic-Quellen, um täglich über 1.000 Besucher in Ihren Online-Shop zu bringen

Want to drive more traffic to your Shopify store without breaking the bank? Here are 4 methods that really work.

Jan 31, 2023 | 10 minutes, 59 seconds
Help your customers find your products with SC Store Locator Map

SC Geschäfte Locator Karte | Digitaler Handel | Apps

Helfen Sie Ihren Kunden, Ihre Produkte mit SC Store Locator Map zu finden

Selling in-store? SC Store Locator Map guides customers to your store, or locations where your products are being sold offline with real-time directions.

Jan 31, 2023 | 7 minutes, 40 seconds
5 high-converting Black Friday promotions you can run year-round

SC Verkaufsanreizer | Digitalecommerce | Apps

5 Black Friday-Promotionen mit hoher Conversion, die Sie das ganze Jahr über durchführen können

Whether getting ready early for BFCM or looking for a promo you can run year round, here are 5 offers worth considering for your Shopify store.

Jan 31, 2023 | 4 minutes, 43 seconds
How to use free shipping to boost your sales on Shopify

SC Geschäfte Locator Karte | Digitaler Handel | Apps

Wie Sie den kostenlosen Versand nutzen können, um Ihren Umsatz auf Shopify zu steigern

Free shipping is one of the greatest tools in your marketing tool belt. Learn how to use it to boost sales on Shopify.

Jan 31, 2023 | 8 minutes, 6 seconds
10 stores using SC Product Options to enhance their shopping experience

Produktoptionen | Digitaler Handel | Apps

10 Geschäfte, die SC Product Options verwenden, um ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern

Looking for inspo on the best way to use SC Product Options? Check out 10 stores that have optimized their shopping experience to impress.

Jan 31, 2023 | 7 minutes, 51 seconds
Level up your customer loyalty program with SC Loyalty Rewards

SC Treueprämien | Digitaler Handel | Apps

Steigern Sie die Kundenloyalität mit SC Loyalty Rewards

SC Loyalty Rewards gives you the power to keep up with the best rewards programs out there. It's loaded with features like flexible reward options, a built-in referral program, bonus point time periods, loyalty tiers, email reminders, and more.

Jan 31, 2023 | 4 minutes, 59 seconds
How this artist turned his hobby into a profitable e-commerce brand with the help of SC Product Options

Produktoptionen | Digitaler Handel | Apps

Wie dieser Künstler sein Hobby mit Hilfe von SC Product Options in eine profitable E-Commerce-Marke verwandelte

Learn how artisan Chuck Allen turned his hobby into a thriving Shopify business with the help of Product Options.

Jan 31, 2023 | 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Add a gift wrap option to your Shopify store in 3 easy steps

SC Produktoptionen | Digitale Wirtschaft | Anleitungen und Tipps

Fügen Sie eine Geschenkverpackungsoption zu Ihrem Shopify-Shop in 3 einfachen Schritten hinzu

Looking for an easy way to increase your store’s AOV? Try adding a gift wrap option in 3 easy steps.

Jan 31, 2023 | 5 minutes, 22 seconds
We've got swatches! Plus other tips for using SC Product Options

SC Produktoptionen | Apps | Anleitungen und How-tos

Wir haben Farbmuster! Plus andere Tipps zur Verwendung von SC-Produktoptionen

SC Product Options lets you add interactive color swatches to your product customization flow, as well as endless other options. Try for free, today.

Jan 31, 2023 | 4 minutes, 44 seconds
3 SC Sales Motivator features to help you sell more on Shopify

SC Verkaufsanreizer | Digitalecommerce | Apps

3 SC Sales-Motivator-Funktionen, um Ihnen beim Verkauf auf Shopify zu helfen

Try these premium features on your Shopify store to boost average order value and get the most out of your SC Sales Motivator app.

Jan 31, 2023 | 3 minutes, 51 seconds
From points to optimized customer LTV: Get the most out of your loyalty program

SC Treuebelohnungen | Apps

Steigern Sie den Customer Lifetime Value durch Ihr optimiertes Treueprogramm

Thinking about launching a loyalty program? Here are some ways you can unlock SC Loyalty Rewards to see maximum payoff in your loyalty program

Jan 31, 2023 | 3 minutes, 54 seconds
Getting creative with points: 7 ways to reward customer loyalty

SC Treueprämien | Digitaler Handel | Apps

Kreativität mit Punkten: 7 Möglichkeiten, Kundenloyalität zu belohnen

Looking for a fresh approach to loyalty points? Here are 7 different ways to approach rewarding customer loyalty.

Jan 31, 2023 | 4 minutes, 46 seconds
7 types of upsells and cross-sells you can set up with SC Product Options

SC Produktoptionen | Apps | Anleitungen und How-tos

7 Arten von Upsells und Cross-Sells, die Sie mit SC Product Options einrichten können

There’s a reason so many e-commerce brands are upselling. Learn 7 easy upsell offers you can set up yourself using SC Product Options.

Jan 25, 2023 | 5 minutes, 51 seconds
The 5 best ways to promote your Shopify store on social media

SC-Video-Hintergrund | Digitaler Handel | Apps

Die 5 besten Möglichkeiten, Ihren Shopify-Shop in den sozialen Medien zu bewerben

With so much many social channels in the market, it can be hard to know where to start. Here's the five best ways to promote your Shopify store on social media.

Jan 13, 2023 | 6 minutes, 23 seconds
Which Shopify referral app is best for you? SC Conjured Referrals vs. Referral Candy

SC Conjured Referrals | Apps

Welche Shopify-Empfehlungs-App ist die beste für Sie? SC Conjured Referrals vs. Referral Candy

Learn the difference between SC Conjured Referrals and Referral Candy, and make the best choice for your Shopify store.

Jan 13, 2023 | 5 minutes, 29 seconds
How Sky Pilot is empowering merchants and brands to combat e-commerce fraud

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Wie Sky Pilot Händler und Marken dabei unterstützt, E-Commerce-Betrug zu bekämpfen

With a new integration between Sky Pilot and Shopify’s fraud analysis tool, merchants can now easily filter orders that may be illegitimate.

Dec 12, 2022 | 3 minutes, 44 seconds
Wayflyer unlocks access to funding to scale e-commerce brands

Partner-Spotlight | Digitaler Handel

Wayflyer ermöglicht E-Commerce-Marken den Zugang zu Finanzierungen für die Skalierung.

By providing mentorship and flexibility to their funding, Wayflyer is giving e-commerce owners working capital when they need it most

Dec 12, 2022 | 4 minutes, 40 seconds
Wayflyer unlocks access to funding to scale e-commerce brands

Wayflyer ermöglicht den Zugang zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten zur Skalierung von E-Commerce-Marken

By providing mentorship and flexibility to their funding, Wayflyer is giving e-commerce owners working capital when they need it most

Dec 12, 2022
E-commerce 2023: Thriving through uncertainty

Digital Commerce

E-Commerce 2023: Erfolgreich in der Unsicherheit

Shop Circle recently hosted a video discussion exploring what’s happening in the world of e-commerce today, and what we can expect to see in 2023. Catch the full conversation: https://shopcircle.co/video/e-commerce-2023-looking-forward

Dec 05, 2022 | 29 minutes, 6 seconds
How can e-commerce brands recession-proof their BFCM strategy?

Marken | Partner-Spotlight | Digitaler Handel

Wie können E-Commerce-Marken ihre BFCM-Strategie krisensicher machen?

How are e-commerce merchants preparing for BFCM amidst talks of recession? Hear key strategies and insights from a panel of industry tech partners.

Nov 16, 2022 | 3 minutes, 53 seconds
Put e-commerce on autopilot with end-to-end automation

SC Kundenkennzeichnung | SC Bestelltags und -abläufe | Integrationen

Bringen Sie den E-Commerce mit End-to-End-Automatisierung auf Autopilot

A new integration with Zapier expands the functionality of Order Tags & Flows and Customer Tagging by Shop Circle for end-to-end automation.

Nov 02, 2022 | 5 minutes, 2 seconds
Simplifying the review collection by segmenting customers on Shopify

SC Kundenkennzeichnung | Apps

Vereinfachung der Bewertungssammlung durch Segmentierung von Kunden auf Shopify

Unlocking customer segmentation and personalization to communicate with your audience.

Nov 01, 2022 | 4 minutes, 42 seconds
3 ways SC Order Tags & Flows boosts Shopify store performance

SC Bestelltags und Abläufe | Digitaler Handel | Apps

3 Möglichkeiten, wie SC Order-Tags und -Flows die Leistung Ihres Shopify-Stores steigern

Utilizing the extensive data and metrics that SC Order Tags & Flows can gather, to enhance your Shopify store’s future performance.

Oct 05, 2022 | 4 minutes, 11 seconds
Add TikTok and YouTube Shorts to your store with one simple integration

SC Video Hintergrund | Integrationen | Apps

Fügen Sie TikTok und YouTube Shorts mit einer einfachen Integration zu Ihrem Geschäft hinzu

SC Video Background lets you embed TikTok, YouTube Short, Vimeo, and YouTube videos right in your store.

Sep 21, 2022 | 6 minutes, 4 seconds
3 trends shaping the future of e-commerce

Digitaler Handel | Perspektiven der Gründer | Marken

3 Trends, die die Zukunft des E-Commerce prägen

Only 25% of the world population is currently buying online. That’s just the tip of the iceberg and e-commerce is a secular trend that will continue to rapidly evolve.

Sep 15, 2022 | 3 minutes, 48 seconds