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Hulk Age Verification

Garantice el cumplimiento y restrinja el acceso a contenido restringido por edad con una solución de verificación de edad.

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Ventanas emergentes personalizables

Complete customization of the look of the pop-up window to match your store's aesthetics. You can customize logos, text, colors, buttons, and background images to create a seamless brand experience. This not only adds to your website's visual appeal but also ensures that your brand image is consistent across all channels.

Descubre másTexto del botón
Ventanas emergentes personalizadas para productos con restricciones de edad

Ensure that your pop-up window is only displayed in countries where age restrictions on certain products are required by law, the app also provides pop-up geographical settings. This feature allows you to quickly set up geographical restrictions and limit the pop-up window's display to specific countries.

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Experiencia de usuario mejorada

The pop-up display criteria settings feature enables you to set up display criteria and select the pages where you want to display/hide the Age Verification pop-up window. You can select these pages with just a few clicks, allowing you to provide age verification without interrupting the user experience.

Empieza tu prueba gratuita

Características principales

Personalización de ventanas emergentes
Restricciones geográficas
Criterios de visualización

Get the most out of Hulk Age Verification. Connect to the platforms you love.

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