Valutakalkulator Plus

4.9 Rating

Automatisk oppdage kundens land og vise priser i mer enn 220 valutaer med ett klikk.

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Make shopping easy with geolocated currency conversion

Precise geolocation automatically shows local currencies to enhance the shopping experience and inspire conversion.

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Sell more, everywhere

To-the-minute exchange rates across 222 currencies, including cryptocurrency, and precious metals

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One-click, no code installation

Install the currency converter with one click with no extra configuration and zero ongoing maintenance.

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Main Features

Presis geolokalisering

Nåværende valutakurser for 222 valutaer

Én klikk, null hassle installasjon




Automatic currency detection

222 currencies available

One-minute exchange rates update

One-click, no code installation

Swift, efficient, knowledgeable support

* All charges are billed in USD.** Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.

Valutakalkulator Plus

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