Display or hide store's content with locks and password

Engros Lock Manager: B2B
4.7 / 5 (141 reviews)
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Vis eller skjul innholdet i butikken din ved å opprette enkle låser

Med denne appen kan du låse og skjule produkter, kollektioner, sider, priser, spesifikke URL-er, eller til og med hele butikken for bestemte kunder for å skape en skreddersydd handleopplevelse for ulike målgrupper.
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Tag-basert personalisering
Denne appen gjør det mulig å vise sider, produkter og kolleksjoner basert på kundetags (valgte kunder eller påloggede brukere). Gi en personlig shoppingopplevelse for bestemte kundegrupper og tilby spesielle rabatter.
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Sikre eksklusiv tilgang
Hold innholdet ditt følsomt og trygt med passordbeskyttelse. Opprett et eksklusivt område i butikken din som kun er tilgjengelig for kunder eller partnere med riktig tilgangskode.
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Main Features

Tilpasset synlighet

Eksklusiv tilgang

Sikkert innhold
Hide products, collections & storefront
Hide price for logged users
Password protect pages
Redirect to any pages
Locks on unpublished theme
* All charges are billed in USD.** Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges are billed every 30 days.
Get the most out of Engros Lock Manager: B2B. Connect to the platforms you love.
Streamline your app by integrating all your platforms to Engros Lock Manager: B2B.

Rapid Search
Maximize your conversion rate with product & collection filters, and an AI-powered smart search bar.

Wholesale Pricing Discount B2B
Automatic payment and net terms reminders, PDF invoices for B2B.

Wholesale Order Form & ReOrder
Simplify B2B and retail ordering with single page order forms.
What our clients say about us
Wonderful app and excellent customer service!! Very efficient and easy to use. Exactly what we needed for our wholesale customers. Highly recommend.
Alley & Rae Apparel
We use this for two sites and love it, works exactly as we expected for each use case and we have had no issues. The support is truly excellent and very personal. Highly recommended.
Blushield USA
I love this app! We quickly built and setup ogins for different pages, URLs, and collections. Our theme needed an update to hide some of the product via search and the Wholesale team fixed in less than 24 hours.
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