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Automate your store with SC Order Tags & Flows and Zapier

SC tilausmerkinnät ja virrat | Integraatiot

Automaattaa kauppanne SC Order Tags & Flowsin ja Zapierin avulla

Ditch repetitive tasks and focus on growth: Automate your e-commerce store with SC Order Tags & Flows and Zapier.

May 23, 2024 | 4 minutes, 44 seconds
Reshaping end-to-end digital shopping experiences with the Sky Pilot-Mailchimp integration

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Uudelleenmuotoile päästä päähän digitaalisia ostokokemuksia Sky Pilot-Mailchimp-integraation avulla

Sky Pilot's Mailchimp integration seamlessly bridges digital downloads with tailored email campaigns, enhancing customer engagement and sales.

Oct 20, 2023 | 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Sky Pilot's innovative mobile app integration: A complete end-to-end brand experience in digital downloads

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Sky Pilotin innovatiivinen mobiilisovelluksen integraatio: Täydellinen loppuun asti brändikokemus digitaalisissa latauksissa

Sky Pilot's mobile app update allows online stores to create their own branded apps for digital content, flexible distribution, and enhanced customer engagement.

Sep 22, 2023 | 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Unveiling Sky Pilot's Vimeo integration: A game-changer in digital downloads

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Sky Pilotin Vimeo-integraation esittely: Peliä muuttavaa digitaalista latausta

Sky Pilot's new Vimeo integration on Shopify, allows live streaming for digital content creators. Perfect for yoga teachers, lessons, bootcamps, and more.

Sep 01, 2023 | 3 minutes, 24 seconds
Put digital sales on autopilot with a new Sky Pilot and Loop integration

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Automaattinen digitaalimyynnin tehostus uuden Sky Pilotin ja Loop-integraation avulla

Earn recurring subscription revenue on digital sales with this seamless integration for Loop and Sky Pilot.

May 17, 2023 | 4 minutes, 13 seconds
Unlock revenue streams and pivotal customer data with new Sky Pilot-Klaviyo integration

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Avaa tulosvirta ja ratkaisevat asiakastiedot uudella Sky Pilot-Klaviyo-integraatiolla

Sky Pilot and Klaviyo integrate, allowing merchants and brands selling digital downloads to deliver remarkable end-to-end shopping experiences on Shopify.

Mar 22, 2023 | 4 minutes, 5 seconds
How Sky Pilot is empowering merchants and brands to combat e-commerce fraud

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Kuinka Sky Pilot mahdollistaa kauppiaille ja brändeille e-kaupankäynnin petosten torjunnan

With a new integration between Sky Pilot and Shopify’s fraud analysis tool, merchants can now easily filter orders that may be illegitimate.

Dec 12, 2022 | 3 minutes, 44 seconds
Put e-commerce on autopilot with end-to-end automation

SC asiakasmerkit | SC tilaustunnisteet ja virrat | Integraatiot

Automaatista kaupankäyntiä end-to-end automaation avulla

A new integration with Zapier expands the functionality of Order Tags & Flows and Customer Tagging by Shop Circle for end-to-end automation.

Nov 02, 2022 | 5 minutes, 2 seconds
Add TikTok and YouTube Shorts to your store with one simple integration

SC-video tausta | Integraatiot | Sovellukset

Lisää TikTok ja YouTube Shorts kauppaasi yhdellä yksinkertaisella integraatiolla

SC Video Background lets you embed TikTok, YouTube Short, Vimeo, and YouTube videos right in your store.

Sep 21, 2022 | 6 minutes, 4 seconds
Video marketing meets digital delivery: Introducing the Wistia-Sky Pilot integration

Sky Pilot | Integrations | Apps

Videomarkkinointi kohtaa digitaalisen toimituksen: Esitellään Wistia-Sky Pilot-integraatio

Merchants looking for a seamless solution to video product downloads can rest easy thanks to a new integration between Wistia and Sky Pilot.

Sep 09, 2022 | 3 minutes, 3 seconds
End-to-End Automated Order Management System: SC Order Tags & Flows x Store Pickup + Delivery

SC tilausmerkinnät ja virrat | Integraatiot

Koko prosessin kattava automaattinen tilaustenhallintajärjestelmä: SC-tilaustunnisteet ja -prosessit x Nouto myymälästä + Toimitus

Keeping up with a growing volume of orders can be exhausting, so Shop Circle and Zapiet are bringing to you Shopify apps that can help you create an easy to use, end-to-end order management system. Learn more to find out how to use the apps together to optimize and automate your OMS.

Jun 05, 2022 | 5 minutes, 18 seconds
Customizable Reports for Order Management on Shopify: SC Order Tags & Flows x Report Toaster

SC tilauksen tunnisteet ja prosessit | Integraatiot | Sovellukset

Mukautettavat raportit tilauksen hallintaan Shopifyssa: SC-tilamerkit ja raporttitoaster

So much data, such little time... Use Order Tagger and Report Toaster together to create highly customizable reports.

Jun 03, 2022 | 5 minutes, 16 seconds
Enhancing the digital gifting experience

SC Asiakkaan tunnistaminen | Integraatiot

Digitaalisen lahjoittamisen kokemuksen parantaminen

Govalo and SC Customer Tagging integrate to deliver the personalized gift card experience shoppers crave.

Jan 06, 2022 | 3 minutes, 11 seconds