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Understanding the psychology behind referral programs in e-commerce

SC Kutsutut Suositukset | Digitaalinen Kauppa

Ymmärrä psykologia suosittelijapohjaisten ohjelmien takana sähköisessä kaupankäynnissä

Discover the key psychological principles that make referral programs successful in e-commerce.

Jul 31, 2024 | 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Top 10 referral ideas that will transform your online store

SC Kutsutut Suositukset | Digitaalinen Kauppa

Top 10 viittaamisideoita, jotka muuttavat verkkokauppaasi

Explore 10 powerful referral techniques to grow your online store's customer base.

Jul 24, 2024 | 3 minutes, 33 seconds
May the sales be with you: Growth strategies with SC Conjured Referrals

SC Kutsutut Suositukset | Digitaalinen Kauppa

Kasvakoon myynti kanssasi: Kasvustrategiat SC Conjured Referralsin avulla

Boost your May marketing efforts with SC Conjured Referrals, tapping into word-of-mouth influence and limited-time discounts.

May 03, 2024 | 1 minutes, 52 seconds
Making referrals personal: Custom email domain feature

SC Conjured Referrals | Apps

Henkilökohtaiset suositukset: Mukautettu sähköpostin verkkotunnus

SC Conjured Referrals' new Custom Email Domain feature lets you send referral emails from your own domain, raising brand trust and referral success.

Apr 18, 2024 | 1 minutes, 53 seconds
Maximize your holiday sales with Conjured Referrals: Creative holiday campaigns

SC Conjured Referrals | Apps

Lisää lomamyynnin tuottoja Conjured Referralsilla: Luovat lomakampanjat

Discover how Conjured Referrals can transform your holiday sales! Learn innovative strategies for boosting customer engagement and referrals this festive season with our guide.

Dec 18, 2023 | 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Engage, incentivize, and strengthen brand loyalty with the Free Gift reward feature

SC Conjured Referrals | Apps

Lisää sitoutumista, kannusta ja vahvista brändiuskollisuutta ilmaisen lahjapalkkion avulla

Enhance customer loyalty and streamline inventory with the Free Gift reward feature, offering a tangible, personalized thank you for customer referrals.

Oct 27, 2023 | 1 minutes, 58 seconds
Shop Circle expands SC Conjured Referrals into 18 new languages for global reach

SC Kutsutut suosittelut | Sovellukset | Digitaalikauppa

Shop Circle laajentaa SC Conjured Referrals -ohjelmaansa 18 uudella kielellä globaalia kattavuutta varten

SC Conjured Referrals introduces 18 new language translations to further enable online brands with global reach and resonance.

Aug 15, 2023 | 3 minutes, 14 seconds
Which Shopify referral app is best for you? SC Conjured Referrals vs. Referral Candy

SC Conjured Referrals | Apps

Mikä Shopify-suositussovellus on sinulle paras? SC Conjured Referrals vs. Referral Candy

Learn the difference between SC Conjured Referrals and Referral Candy, and make the best choice for your Shopify store.

Jan 13, 2023 | 5 minutes, 29 seconds
Conjured Referrals vs. Rivo: Which Shopify referral app is best for you?

SC Conjured Referrals | Apps

Conjured Referrals vai Rivo: Kumpi Shopify-suositussovellus on sinulle paras?

Learn the difference between Conjured Referrals and Rivo, and make the best choice for your business.

Aug 22, 2022 | 5 minutes, 49 seconds
Create customer-centric emails to stand out during BFCM

Digitaalinen kauppa | SC asiakasmerkintä | SC luodut suositukset

Luo asiakaskeskeisiä sähköposteja erottuaksesi BFCM:n aikana

Attract more customers during Black Friday-Cyber Monday with focused and enticing emails.

Aug 03, 2022 | 2 minutes,
Boost sales with referrals and reward your customers

SC Conjured Referrals | Digitaalinen kaupankäynti | Sovellukset

Lisää myyntiä suosittelujen avulla ja palkitse asiakkaasi

Referred customers are 18% more loyal, have a 16% higher lifetime value rate, and spend 13% more than their non-referred counterparts.

Jul 28, 2022 | 1 minutes, 46 seconds
5 inspiring referral marketing programs to learn from

SC Kutsutut suosittelut | Sovellukset | Digitaalikauppa

5 inspiroivaa suosittelumarkkinoinnin ohjelmaa, joista voi oppia

Word-of-mouth marketing works wonders. Here are 5 inspiring industry examples to learn from as you craft the ideal referral marketing program for your store.

Jul 08, 2022 | 5 minutes, 19 seconds